Resource Explorer (DLL/Exe) using C#

After long time we are with the Resource Explorer.
This is verymuch usefull for the resource management in the Application/DLL.


    You are having the images/icon in other dll then you can load and use that particular image/icon using the below concept

Source Code:

public partial class frmAssemblyHandling : Form


public frmAssemblyHandling()




private void btnSelectDLL_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


//the required resources to filter from the available

ArrayList arImageFilter = new ArrayList();

arImageFilter.AddRange(new string[] { ".png", ".ico", ".bmp", ".png" });

OpenFileDialog fd = new OpenFileDialog();

fd.Filter = "DLL Files (*.Dll)|*.dll|Application Files (*.exe)|*.exe";

if (fd.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)




lblAssemblyPath.Text = fd.FileName.ToString().Trim();

//load the selected assembly

var asm = Assembly.LoadFile(lblAssemblyPath.Text.Trim());

string resName = asm.GetName().Name + ".g.resources"; //open the resources

using (var stream = asm.GetManifestResourceStream(resName))

using (var reader = new System.Resources.ResourceReader(stream))


//filtering the resource and add the path to listbox

lstResources.DataSource = reader.Cast<DictionaryEntry>().Where(x =>

arImageFilter.Contains(System.IO.Path.GetExtension(x.Key.ToString()))).Select(entry =>




catch (Exception ex)


lblAssemblyPath.Text =

MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Unable to load the resource(s) from {0}",

fd.FileName.ToString().Trim()), "Resource Explorer",

MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);




private void listBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)


if (!lblAssemblyPath.Text.Trim().Equals(string.Empty))


string sAssemblyPath = lblAssemblyPath.Text.Trim();

if (System.IO.File.Exists(sAssemblyPath))


var asm = Assembly.LoadFile(sAssemblyPath);

                    string resName = asm.GetName().Name + ".g.resources";
using (var stream = asm.GetManifestResourceStream(resName))

using (var reader = new System.Resources.ResourceReader(stream))


//select the specific resource

//and convert it to stream->image and display in the picture box

pictureBox1.Image = Image.FromStream((reader.Cast<DictionaryEntry>().Where(x =>

x.Key.Equals(lstResources.SelectedItem.ToString())).Select(entry =>







Screen Shots

1. Application Interface

2. Sample Resource (DLL)



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