Introduction Hi, this article will helpful for you to check the hybrid connection in Azure Website (Web App). Scenario Lets assume we have 2 Web Apps and 2 On-Premises database servers, Both the webapps required on-premises database access, for this scenario we can use Azure Hybrid connection . Architecture of Web apps and Hybrid connection Website 1 : Wants to access DB Server 1 & DB Server 2 Website 2 : Wants to access DB Server 1 only To achieve this we need to create two hybrid connections for each db and we can share it with websites. Troubleshooting Once you successfully created hybrid connection and configured listener setup. we need to ensure whether our website connected to our DB Server or not. So open the Azure portal (old or new). 1. Select the website 2. Click Browse website * Lets assume our website URL is * Change the URL to
KUDU is the web tool for analyzing and troubleshooting azure websites. Benefits of Kudu Know about operating system Environment variables Processors & cores Applications settings Connection strings Process explorer (running instances) Debugging console (Command prompt & PowerShell) Diagnostics Log (view & download) Site extensions management and more Environment details Command prompt Are your wondering to use KUDU?, its very simple open browser and type https://{ your azure website name } . To access KUDU you need to have your azure deployment credentials! Example Your azure website : Kudu URL : for more information about Kudu click here
We know that in presentation/demo most of the people might feel uncomfortable to read the content in the slides/screen. To overcome this we use to increase the font size of the content. Windows Magnifier Build-In Tool The simple build-in Magnifier tool available in Windows (surely in 7 and 8.x). In the mid of presentation no need to open the Magnifier from start menu you can make use of shortcut key Win + + (Windows key + Plus symbol key), this will open the magnifier and magnifies our screen Shortcut keys Increase Zoom : Windows key + + ( + Plus key) Decrease Zoom : Windows + - ( + Minus key) Another option Windows Sysinternals Suite is bunch of system utility tool set, this has a screen zooming tool know as ZoomIt this has few value added functionalists and shortcut keys customization Features of Zoomit Normal Zoom Live Zoom Draw (on screen) Type (on screen) Break...